Taman Sari Water Palace is a palace site that is actually comprised of several buildings (not all buildings are located in water) and its location is still in the Yogyakarta Palace. In English, better known by the name "Perfume Garden" or "Fragrant Garden", because many fragrant flowers planted this garden environment. Taman Sari - Yogyakarta is not just a recreational park royal family in those days, but it has various functions such as Camouflage area against its enemies, and is a bastion system, while also as a place of meditation for the Kings, where making batik conducted by the concubines of King and the daughters of King, a military training ground for the royal army and there's more.
Taman Sari, Yogyakarta was founded in 1758 that the idea was originally from Prince Mangkubumi (later titled Hamengku Buwono I) and Raden Ronggo Prawirosentiko (Major of Madiun) as an architect, while Demang Tegis (Portuguese who earned his degree from the kingdom) as a structural expert .